Communication Server

Bộ lọc

Bộ truyền thông IoT Gateway (IIoT Communication Server) ICP DAS UA-2841M CR

Liên hệ
IIoT Communication Server with ARM Quad-core CPU and 2 Ethernet Ports

Bộ truyền thông IoT Gateway (IIoT Communication Server) ICP DAS UA-7231M CR

Liên hệ
IIoT Communication Server with 1 PoE Ethernet Port and 1 Serial Port

UA-5231M-4GC CR: Bộ truyền thông IoT Gateway (IIoT Communication Server) + LTE (4G) ICP DAS

Liên hệ
IIoT Communication Server with 1 Ethernet Port, 4G Communication (for China Only)

UA-5231M-4GE CR: Bộ truyền thông IoT Gateway (IIoT Communication Server) + LTE (4G) ICP DAS

Liên hệ
IIoT Communication Server with 1 Ethernet Port, 4G Communication

UA-5231M-3GWA CR: Bộ truyền thông IoT Gateway (IIoT Communication Server) + WCDMA (3G) ICP DAS

Liên hệ
IIoT Communication Server with 1 Ethernet Port, 3G Communication

UA-2241M-4GC CR: Bộ truyền thông IoT Gateway (IIoT Communication Server) + LTE (4G) ICP DAS

Liên hệ
IIoT Communication Server (Metal) with 2 Ethernet Ports. Support 4G LTE

UA-2241M-4GE CR: Bộ truyền thông IoT Gateway (IIoT Communication Server) + LTE (4G) ICP DAS

Liên hệ
IIoT Communication Server with 2 Ethernet Ports, 4G LTE (FDD) (Asia Only)

Bộ truyền thông IoT (IIoT Communication Server) ICP DAS UA-2241M CR

Liên hệ
IIoT Communication Server with 2 Ethernet Ports

UA-2641M-4GC CR: Bộ truyền thông IoT Gateway (IIoT Communication Server) + LTE (4G) ICP DAS

Liên hệ
IIoT Communication Server (Metal), support 4G LTE (FDD, TDD) Communication (Asia Only)

UA-2641M-4GE CR: Bộ truyền thông IoT Gateway (IIoT Communication Server) + LTE (4G) ICP DAS

Liên hệ
IIoT Communication Server with Quad-core ARM CPU and 2 Ethernet Ports (Metal Case), 4G LTE (FDD) (Asia Only)

Bộ truyền thông IoT (IIoT Communication Server) ICP DAS UA-2641M CR

Liên hệ
IIoT Communication Server (Metal), with Quad-core ARM CPU and 2 Ethernet Ports (RoHS)

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